Besides raising old questions about the proper bounds of deadly force, the case exposes a predicament for prosecutors in Connecticut.
Each of them brought their friends and relatives into the government and promoted them beyond proper bounds.
We must keep everything within the proper bounds.
The merriment was kept within proper bounds and all the old enmity vanished.
It always gave Jeffrey a special pleasure to show his face and mingle with the crew- within proper bounds of hierarchy and discipline, of course.
The Supreme Court, of course, has the responsibility of ensuring that our government never oversteps its proper bounds or violates the rights of individuals.
Lt. Gen. Roger Brady, who headed the study, said the entire nation was increasingly facing questions about the proper bounds of religious expression.
Belatedly, Dromind realized he had overstepped the proper bounds.
Mr. Donaldson said that while state regulators had done some good work, he would have the commission reassert federal authority when they overstepped proper bounds.
In particular, an attacker's presentation of a specially crafted file may allow access to addresses outside of the expected and proper bounds.