By her third year of duty, Miyakawa knew she had found her proper niche in life.
In July, the cherubs were restored to their proper niches.
Like Plato, he defines ultimate * LIU; as each man's finding his proper niche in life.
This was not the place to put Elliott Carter in his proper niche.
When he returned with the coffee, the portfolio was neatly tied and replaced in its proper niche on the shelf.
We have to make certain that we fit you in the proper niche.
It deserved more time to find its proper niche.
Prince Nahrmahn chuckled as he fitted the onyx bishop into the proper niche in the velvet-lined case.
Emerson was in his element, happy as a man can be only when he has found his proper niche in life.
When you get a box, deposit a good size dead fish inside the deposit box, close it up and return it to its proper niche.