He replaced in the proper receptacle one of the pins he bad been examining when the excitement occurred.
Mitchell watched Kirk take his tray to the proper receptacle and insert it.
Now he understood what he could do with the ashes; all he needed was a proper receptacle.
He examined it for a moment, then bent to plug it into the proper receptacle on the back of the TV.
In order to drink, one needs a proper receptacle, similar in shape to a goblet.
The other day I walked for nearly 16 blocks with my empty iced tea bottle in search of a proper receptacle.
Paul Morris walked down the center aisle, pausing now and again to tuck a hymn book in the proper receptacle.
It produces a limited supply of seeds, which it sends out searching for the proper receptacle.
Bishop had already locked Trent's box into its proper receptacle, using the master key.
"We ask that our customers dispose of their trash in the proper receptacles," Ms. Parker said.