Fact: Bob had opened Long Reach's aft engine orifices at right angles to its proper trajectory, which sent the titanic ship skewing off course.
In some cases spotting rifles were used confirm proper trajectory and range to a target.
If she had been a Dissenter named Amoret, then her life was merely completing its proper trajectory.
But head for it now and as soon as I can work out the data, I'll give you corrections to warp you into your proper trajectory.
"We are on target for a proper trajectory by both Neptune and Triton."
But even as Kirk instinctively calculated the proper trajectory for his swing, he also saw the exhaustion in his opponent's eyes.
And you'll be on your proper trajectory.
First, Mendoza must keep his arm high as he delivers the ball, to maintain the proper trajectory.
It computed an orbit that would decay into the proper deorbital trajectory.
After one second, controls in the nozzle of the rocket motor start steering the missile on to the proper trajectory.