Since the four players involved in the deal are all 26 or younger, it could take years for the trade to be properly analyzed.
In order for one to properly analyze the situation, these costs must be well understood.
Students also learn how to properly analyze and critique works of art.
But to analyze properly what goes on, you need to see everything.
But we do have 842 pounds of rock from the different space missions that still haven't been properly analyzed.
But no building can be properly analyzed without taking the social and ideological structures of power into account.
"We believe this issue is more properly analyzed in terms of a 14th Amendment liberty interest," he said.
The stored rainwater may need to be analyzed properly before use in a way appropriate to its safety.
"And their solution is to gather exponentially more information that they have no possible way to properly analyze."
Sometimes things are not necessary if they are properly analyzed and explained.