It was unclear yesterday whether any programs would be affected or whether the administration would pay the community-based organizations whose contracts had not been properly approved.
You can obtain a digital signature from any of a number of certificate authorities - preferably a properly approved one.
The city's Law Department, however, said that the plan had been properly approved.
Whether Mr. Belnick thought his compensation was properly approved would be a fair area for questioning, Mr. Hulkower said.
The decision was properly approved through the federal government process to transfer the property to NASA and disestablish the Naval Air Station Moffett Field.
Deputy Chief Barker has a five-year contract properly approved and executed by the relevant authority, Chief Marley.
Finally, the report found that Ullico officers may also have made millions of dollars in profits in special purchases and other bonuses, which may not have been properly approved.
Ensure that all required justifications are completed and properly approved for such restrictions.
Construction of the Hertel-Des Cantons high voltage line was properly approved in July 2002 and commissioned a year later.
Ensure changes to key calculations are properly approved.