Properly chastised, I went and sat at my computer, desperate for a little research on butterflies and nightmares.
Properly chastised, I bowed my head into my scotch and finished it.
Esher made a mental note to see that she was properly chastised, then returned his attention to the stage.
In any wise, Lady Mendoza was called before the masters of the craft and offered a chance to disown her act and be properly chastised.
I was properly chastised.
The other four, after being properly chastised, would be allowed to stay a part of the group.
Oh, Renquist, your bride is properly chastised.
Properly chastised, the young lieutenant took a deep breath, then said, "No, sir.
Trust me, my man was properly chastised.
I bit my lower lip, tried to look properly chastised, and waited.