As a result, playback would not wear the information-bearing part of the discs, and properly manufactured LDs would theoretically last beyond one's lifetime.
Many early LDs were not manufactured properly; sometimes a substandard adhesive was used to sandwich together the two sides of the disc.
Changing the original crankshaft pulley can have negative effects if the replacement pulley is not manufactured properly.
However they are stopped after 811 of the people treated die from neurological disorders triggered by one of the production batches, which had not been manufactured properly.
Data provided by the supplier in October 2001 showed that less than 25 percent of the seekers were being manufactured properly the first time and the rest had to be reworked, on average, four times.
Our scientists also provide the tools that the FDA inspection force needs to ensure that once the medical product has been approved, it is manufactured and marketed properly.
A. Sounds as though the bricks may be spalling, a problem encountered with some red bricks that were not properly manufactured.
Licensing ensures that all upholstered furniture and articles of bedding are properly manufactured and/or assembled and tagged, if applicable, for shipment into the state.
At the time, the quality of available raw materials prevented the clamps from adhering to this principle while being manufactured properly.
Sprott claims that no case of cot death has ever been traced to a properly manufactured or wrapped mattress.