"Often," Ms. Kutska said, "specialists in pain medicine don't get properly reimbursed for the procedures because they don't have their own specialty code."
It cost £4000 at the time, a sum for which he was never properly reimbursed.
According to the decision, Mr. Calhoon instructed subordinates to include expenses on the cost report that he did not believe could be properly reimbursed under the Federal Medicare system.
Also under investigation is whether the military was properly reimbursed for Mrs. Franks's travel aboard military aircraft.
"We have to make sure the citizens of Nassau County are properly reimbursed."
He said that Pakistan was being properly reimbursed for fuel, munitions and wear and tear on military equipment.
And ensuring that Central Coast doctors are properly reimbursed for the services they provide to Medicare beneficiaries is essential to making sure seniors get the health care they need.
Old Asa and his wife were duly excited over their strange visitors, and were properly reimbursed for this invasion of their domestic hearth.
Secondly, a person can move to another Member State in order to undergo treatment, but should obtain the prior authorization of the competent sickness institution, that is, form E112, in order to be properly reimbursed.
"We acted quickly to ensure site repairs could be started and that the insured were reimbursed properly under the policy we were providing to them," he said.