Following submission of a satisfactory site report and demonstration that a site's archaeological potential has been properly safeguarded and/or recorded, the curator will usually advise that development can continue.
The Board is responsible for the overall financial management of the District, including establishing policies and procedures to ensure that assets are properly safeguarded.
"Properly safeguarded, an agent in place in the Legion s intelligence section would be a priceless asset."
None of them had his or her matrix what I would call properly safeguarded.
The United States has taken the lead in ensuring that nuclear materials globally are properly safeguarded.
The argue that if the environment is to be properly safeguarded policies must be formulated which will encourage favourable ongoing management.
If the key is not properly safeguarded by the original owner, digital forgery can become a major concern.
They assert the rights of those who use bus services to some form of protection and a place to go if their interests are not properly safeguarded.
At the same time, however, the social rights of health care workers and patients must be properly safeguarded.
Lastly, it is in the interest of businesses too that people should feel confident that their privacy is properly safeguarded.