These are awards given in technology however the claims are not properly verified.
While the total number of settlers living in Jonestown at the time of the massacre has never been properly verified, based on the population estimates there could be anywhere between 20 and 120 followers not accounted for.
The newspaper later admitted that the letter, which had been sent by email, had not been properly verified, and was a fake.
Transactions weren't properly verified before they were included in the transaction log or "block chain" which allowed for users to bypass Bitcoin's economic restrictions and create an indefinite number of bitcoins.
Properly verified, the first real step in reducing arms since World War II can only enhance European security, which has always been based on a purely defensive strategy.
When functional equivalence has been reached and properly verified, the migrated application functions exactly in the same manner that the original application behaved--with the same functionalities, properties, and under the same conditions.
Officials at CERN said the result had not yet been properly verified and could turn out to be a false alarm.
This is due to the dearth of materials on his subject, and the little information we have at present comes from the testimonies of the early Spanish missionaries and chronicles whose works cannot be verified properly.
The implementation of EU legislation must likewise be properly verified.
The new rules will also ensure that compliance with the product standards we shall have, with the safety and quality requirements, can henceforth be properly verified.