And at one point, Kelly, he wrote a prophetic passage about the Hawaiian of the future.
Idealists see prophetic passages as being of great value in teaching truths about God to be applied to present life.
Many of the prophetic passages of the Old Testament were unclear to those who first heard or read them.
A number of prophetic passages give details of this awesome event which will occur just before the Millennium begins.
They are by no means mutually exclusive and are often combined to form a more complete and coherent interpretation of prophetic passages.
Historicists attempt to identify prophetic passages with major events in history.
In a prophetic passage she ends her paper as follows:
Parallel approaches can also be used in the interpretation of other prophetic passages.
Holmes has treated this prophetic passage as a working blueprint ever since.
For centuries scholars have puzzled over the mysterious prophetic passages in the Bible, and at one time I was one of those puzzled ones.