"But sadly Boney M's prophetic warning came 60 years too late."
The voice of prophetic warning at the beginning belongs to Tom Waits; it's from "What's He Building?
And a deep, barely acknowledged suspicion, a dread that the whole thing might have gone wrong: no promotion: Lord Keith's warning truly prophetic.
In a prophetic warning, he said those trends, coupled with expanded government spending, were a recipe for fiscal catastrophe.
At the end of each prophetic warning given to the seven churches, readers are again admonished to "hear what the Spirit says to the churches."
That surprises us, because we take our dominance of the natural world so much for granted, whatever the dire prophetic warnings about global warming.
The god gave her the gift of prophecy; when she refused his advances, he cursed her so that her prophetic warnings would go unheeded.
If the series of words on the Scrabble tiles had constituted a prophetic warning, what was he supposed to do about it?
Mr. Hertzberg heard a prophetic warning from David Ben-Gurion in July 1967, a month after the war.
The Sheep Look Up (1972) was a prophetic warning of ecological catastrophe.