Its proponents wanted to give the Israeli public the sense that all Arabs were willing to change the dynamics of the relationship.
This has been the dirty little secret that proponents of abortion don't want anyone to know about.
But the question isn't what proponents of bank takeovers want to have happen.
Still, proponents of that theory probably don't want to hitch their wagons to Shaw's venerable star.
Some proponents of the machine ordinance also wanted to prohibit the machines' use on weekends.
Even proponents of hunting with respect for life want to see some forms of hunting end.
"The proponents who want to close the plant want to save face by putting out a very tepid resolution."
The wait for a nationwide system may be longer than proponents want.
What the proponents of pro bono service want to do now is build on the increase.
That is why some proponents want to shift the emphasis in juvenile justice from state institutions to community-based programs.