The proportion of individuals carrying a mutation who will manifest the disease is referred to as penetrance.
Initially, a large proportion of noncoding DNA had no known biological function and was therefore sometimes referred to as "junk DNA", particularly in the lay press.
A greater proportion of Afro-Caribbean patients were referred to the hospital's centralized maintenance clinic.
The proportion of blood occupied by red blood cells is referred to as the hematocrit, and is normally about 45%.
The proportion of devices on the wafer found to perform properly is referred to as the yield.
A large proportion of the children have been referred to the school from mainstream schools where they have frequently been seen as having severe behaviour problems.
Despite the above difficulties, our results suggest that a significant proportion of potential transplant candidates is not being referred for transplant assessment.
Shortly thereafter, hobbyists lost the ability to distinguish the two, and now the proportion is referred to as scale.
A substantial proportion can be referred back to their general practitioners once a thorough assessment has been carried out.
Of the total money deposited at banks, significant and predictable proportions often remain deposited, and may be referred to as "core deposits."