Ratzeputz today (2006) only contains 58% alcohol; whereas higher proportions of alcohol used to be common.
A recent survey reveals that a large proportion of iPad users don't use the device to read e-books.
Surveys show that an overwhelming proportion of the journeys people use cars for could easily be done on foot or by bicycle.
This will give you a good indication of dish size, cooking time and proportion of meat to use.
I am trying to set up a science project ( with help from Mom) and wanted to know the proportions to use and also any safety precautions.
A far higher proportion of parents have used the law's after-school tutoring option, the study said.
It is common to represent this dependence as a constant proportion (or first order) using a connector element in the model.
A significant proportion of the population uses their own vehicles - cars, scooters, motorcycles and bicycles.
A large proportion of today' s traffic, particularly in northern Europe, uses the rivers.