There has been no proportionate increase in consultant numbers despite Higginson's work showing the benefits of this approach.
He said states and local governments should make proportionate increases.
Although the peak thrust was actually reduced, burn time was 2.5 times longer, with a proportionate increase in total impulse.
This proportionate increase is still continuing, despite an overall reduction in the number of university undergraduate places (see table 4.3 below).
He wrote "an increase in population cannot take place without a proportionate or nearly proportionate increase of wealth".
The resulting council would have 122 councillors, with a proportionate increase in the number of aldermen from 19 to 20.
With the proportionate increase in his other dimensions, he was eight times as large as he had been.
Since 1990 the state's share has fallen to a low of 32 percent, with a proportionate increase in local property taxes.
Furthermore it might even produce at least a proportionate increase in those talented and creative people who are so necessary for economic and cultural development.
The committee has suggested proportionate increase in the state level poverty estimates also.