Ratings were reported at 232k (105k down on the slot average, with a proportionately lower audience share).
It is also at a proportionately lower level than the settlements the Commission reached with all the other defendants.
The shortfall this year will equal about 4.2 percent of gross domestic product, but that is proportionately lower than the deficits reached in the 1980's.
After all, unions in Europe have always had the option of negotiating for shorter hours and proportionately lower pay.
However, the Scholarship Board is only 24 hours, and the expectations are proportionately lower to account for the difference in age.
They argue that premiums are proportionately lower for basic life insurance.
Off-year campaigns, state and local contests, produced proportionately lower amounts.
If lower scores are awarded for straights or three pairs, the impact on average scoring will be proportionately lower.
In a country with high inflation, like Turkey, the dollar's gains do not translate into proportionately lower prices for American tourists.
How do you explain to the 6 million unemployed French people that they must make sacrifices for the Irish whose unemployment rate is proportionately lower?