Moreover, that proposal did not specifically protect or authorize money for embryonic stem cell research, instead leaving grant decisions to a board appointed by the governor and legislative leaders.
The two parallel proposals would authorize a federal review of voting methods and technology across the country and provide money to local governments to upgrade their balloting practices.
They can also review proposals to authorize and supervise contracts for the construction work.
SAC's proposal would authorize only work shared "without motive of financial gain"-a concept that could use some clarification.
Mr. Clinton's proposal would authorize the Food and Drug Administration to seek court orders requiring drug companies to study how their products affect children.
One proposal would authorize borrowing up to $15 billion to help solve the state's fiscal crisis.
The proposal authorizes consumers to opt-out of inclusion on lists by having their names placed in an exclusion registry maintained by the Consumer Protection Board.
The proposal going on the ballot in November authorizes a new panel to hear appeals when the commission rejects such requests from nonprofit institutions.
"The proposal," you state, "authorizes a new panel to hear appeals when the commission rejects such requests from nonprofit institutions."
The other proposal would authorize force to support any new United Nations Security Council resolution on weapons of mass destruction.