Thus, Mr. Major said, his proposal would leave monetary and economic sovereignty with the member countries and avoid the need for an independent central bank.
The committee's proposal would avoid an income tax and keep the sales tax at 8 percent, but the sales tax would be expanded to include various new purchases.
The new proposal avoids this problem by having the director of the Office of Management and Budget, a member of the executive branch, order the automatic cuts.
Maryland officials say their proposals would avoid large numbers of schools being labeled "in need of improvement" when only small numbers of students are doing poorly.
Mr. Clinton, in contrast, often says that he supports national health care, but his proposals explicitly avoid any form of nationalized care.
The proposal would also avoid naming the former king as even a symbolic head of state, which the other factions favor and Mr. Rabbani opposes.
The proposal, part of which was approved on Tuesday night by the House of Representatives, avoids what lawmakers had dreaded: a tax increase or layoffs of state workers in an election year.
The proposal avoids the most politically contentious elements of the plans offered by President Clinton and by the Democratic leaders of the House and the Senate.
This proposal avoids unnecessary bureaucracy.
At the same time the electoral proposal respects the principle of subsidiarity and avoids regulating electoral procedures in too much detail, for example, election expenses, voting age etcetera.