Laurent Sagart has also shown that his Sino-Austronesian proposal does not contradict genetic studies in any major way.
Lenders said that these proposals contradict President Clinton's longstanding promises to spur growth among small businesses, which he considers the most effective job-creating strategy.
Mrs. Whitman said her proposals do not contradict her earlier opposition to mandatory sentences.
These proposals reflect practices in other EU member states, but do not contradict Islamic law or tradition.
His proposal contradicts the generally accepted dating of ca. 1550 BC., as proposed by Kathleen Kenyon.
He travelled to corps headquarters to propose this but, as noted above, the proposal contradicted orders from Sixth Army and was dropped.
Mr. Gephardt's proposal contradicts a half-century of international agreements on how to deal with trade disputes.
But the British maintain that the proposals do not contradict the Basic Law.
Moreover, the proposal contradicts everything previously laid down concerning modulation, since it makes no provision for cofinancing on the part of the Member States.
The current proposal totally contradicts this policy and will do substantial damage to Community protection of intellectual property rights.