CALU consults on policy positions and offers recommendations concerning various forms of legislation pertaining, generally, to Canada's Income Tax Act, and to legislative proposals emanating through or from the CRA and Finance.
In law, and in practice, it is misleading to speak of 'proposals' emanating from a delegate.
Regarding the environment, there are impractical proposals emanating via Brussels, designed merely to placate noisy pressure groups.
Coverage of the government's report on the future of the British film industry has largely overlooked a crucial proposal emanating from the review.
These factions debate and discuss together legislative proposals emanating from the Commission, statements of the Council, newly released reports and general developments in European life.
Environmental officials in charge of enforcement grew alarmed at the proposals emanating from Mr. Abraham's department, which often echoed the industry's demands.
Moreover, while Congress might have the capacity to block new Administration steps, Mr. Reagan retains a similar veto power over many proposals emanating from Congress.
Somewhat remarkably, he gave strong support to the proposals emanating from a committee under Lord Bullock for co-determination or industrial partnership as a basis for management.
Amendments to the Treaties have to be agreed by European Union leaders and any proposals emanating from this Convention must be balanced, progressive and achievable.
The call for the American Negro Labor Congress is believed to have been issued late in the spring of 1925 with the proposal emanating from the Workers (Communist) Party.