They found that 56 percent said they opposed such a proposal and 38 percent favored it.
FIDE had been trying since 1935 to introduce rules on how to select challengers, and its various proposals favored selection by some sort of committee.
The proposal would favor denying eligibility to anyone who has been paid for participating in the same sport.
The proposal itself should not favor the export or inhibit the import of such scarce minerals.
And they say that Mr. Bush's proposal favors the wealthy.
"The governor's proposals would favor the wealthy and be an elitist kind of approach," Mr. Bruno said.
Most proposals to increase saving inherently favor the well-to-do because they are the only ones who can afford to set aside income beyond their immediate needs.
The proposal favors a broader savings vehicle, paid through after-tax dollars, that could be used by families for more than health care expenses.
Also problematical is whether Mr. Bush's proposal would disproportionately favor the wealthy, a question that he ought to be prepared to answer in detail tonight.