All the proposals foundered, however, on the opposing interests of emperor and imperial princes.
While proposals to cut the tax foundered last year, five bills to reduce it have already been offered this year, two weeks after the session opened.
The proposal foundered on two points, both sides agree: where they would live together and who would technically have custody.
Similar proposals by the Mayor and the Council have foundered in the Legislature in recent years.
The proposal foundered on the objection that this would violate the separation of powers.
But that proposal foundered on concerns that the card would have to be traded in if the person's license was suspended.
The proposal foundered at the opposition of the Achaean barons.
The first Irish clubs discussed admitting women as members in 1912, but the proposal foundered over issues of social class.
Other proposals also foundered in this year's session.
The proposal foundered on the shoals of turf rivalry.