Mr. Bruno's proposal would let working people who earn less than $30,000 keep more of their earnings.
Germany's proposal would let management make investment decisions that should be made by shareholders, he said.
The proposal would also let the states charge tolls on Interstate highways.
The governors' proposal would let states decide whether to provide assistance to those groups.
Another proposal would let workers take part of their current payroll taxes and invest it in a private retirement plan.
The proposal would let Iraq sell $2 billion of crude every six months.
President Bush's proposal would let employees sell stock that companies contributed to 401(k) accounts after workers hold it for three years.
Another proposal would let a telephone company own as much as 49 percent of one that is owned by only a few investors.
The Government's latest proposal would let the banks exchange the notes for a security that could trade for cash.
The other proposal would let workers take compensatory time rather than overtime pay.