The proposal for the name change originated from the representative of the Jobbik party, the Hungarian radical nationalist party.
The proposal originated when Democrats had controlled the House for 40 years, and Republicans worried that they were doomed to the minority forever.
The new proposal originated at a Democratic governors' conference last year, where Mr. Cuomo proposed a joint approach.
These proposals originated with Colonel Gaddafi, who hoped that they would help create a new image and role for Libyan women everywhere.
The proposal originated with the Legislature's 10-member Democratic majority.
The proposal to block liquidity originated in academic debate and was imposed upon the main presidential candidacies.
The proposal to create a central business district originated in 1997 when Allied London purchased a number of buildings around the John Rylands Library.
The proposal to link childhood immunizations with eligibility for welfare and Medicaid originated in the Public Health Service.
The proposal originated in the Legislature, which required the Board of Regents to take a vote, which it did June 9.
The proposal originated with Mr. Samper's supporters to allow lawmakers to examine - and perhaps eventually clear - the President while avoiding prosecution themselves.