President Clinton's proposals to the Israelis and the Palestinians outline broad principles for a peace agreement to be negotiated in detail later.
Both proposals outlined above accomplish this goal and provide protection against a repetition of the sorry S & L episode.
Other proposals outline measures to recognize Hispanic and black culture in church functions and Catholic schooling.
But the specific proposals Mr. Dukakis outlined today applied primarily to California, where the environment is one of the most important campaign issues.
The shares of health insurance companies advanced after analysts concluded that the proposal outlined by Obama as good news for healthcare investors.
The proposals outlined this week by Vice President Gore aim to restore balance.
The proposal outlined the development of the whole site and included the school chapel, vestries and the church.
In the case of a 'gap assignment' such a proposal may simply outline how the interim manager will be a 'safe pair of hands'.
Among the Commission's proposals outlined to ministers this week are:
The proposals outlined in the report deserve our support and I trust that Parliament will monitor their progress.