At a public meeting this month, Thomas Sobol, State Commissioner of Education, announced he would propose abandoning use of the state-designated test for future teachers.
Others proposed abandoning the classical curriculum, in favor of more vocational offerings.
(In one controversial new book, "Against Race," Paul Gilroy, a black British scholar at Yale, proposes abandoning the concept of race altogether.)
The school also proposed abandoning its traditional crest emblem, a shield emblazoned with the term "Pro Christo et Libertate."
Though Mr. Mordechai did not propose abandoning the settlements, the reaction from the right was furious.
He said that had been difficult, because younger House members objected when he proposed abandoning the strategy of keeping some of the Government shut down as leverage against President Clinton.
One group proposed abandoning the well, instead drilling a direct offset to No. 1; another group wanted to continue drilling No. 2 into a deep stratigraphic test.
In 1987, the F.D.A. proposed abandoning the final version of the rule.
As local industries switched to truck-based transportation for their goods, carloads on the line dwindled and the Union Pacific proposed abandoning the line.
Feldhusen proposes abandoning the program concept and the labeling of students as gifted.