The Prince Regent proposed combining the two ideas, but the government refused.
It will propose combining elements of competing designs from two weapons laboratories in an approach that some experts argue is untested and risky.
The boy had tickets in a half-dozen Franklin County towns, and his lawyer proposed combining the cases in another court.
The governor proposed combining 11 categories of state aid to local schools into a single sum, giving districts greater latitude in spending the money.
Sapir introduced a number of other distinctions according to which languages could be morphologically classified, and proposed combining them to form more complex classifications.
The concept has been around since at least 2008 when the Director of the Museum of Fine Arts proposed combining the two collections.
He proposed combining government programs for the unemployed and new emphasis on training, education and relocation assistance.
The two exchanges, founded in the 19th century to trade agricultural futures, first proposed combining last October.
We propose combining all completed forms, probably as simple photocopies, into a single document for distribution to all those interested.
The authors proposed formally combining the two species as a single species.