The Parcells issue also led voters to propose installing a three-year waiting period before coaches can gain consideration.
Chrysler executives also proposed installing Mercedes diesel engines in some Chrysler pickups and Jeep Cherokees.
Around 2008, the Government of Vietnam proposed installing a consulate within Houston.
Decaux therefore proposes installing equal numbers of standard and wheelchair kiosks, with access to the larger units limited to the disabled, who would be issued magnetic key cards.
He proposed installing automated light dimmers in the 405,000-square-foot plant.
As an alternative, Michelin and the seven teams proposed installing a series of turns, a chicane, just before the banked turn as a way to slow the cars.
COMINCO also proposed installing fume-controlling technologies to limit future damage and reduce the emissions of sulphur dioxide.
The hot seat, imported from Israel, cost $1,100, and a Paris union representing 2,000 cabbies proposed installing it in most of the city's 14,300 taxis.
Local residents propose installing individual treatment units for each house that would retain wastewater in the area.
Citystreets, an advocacy group for pedestrians, proposed installing Global Positioning Satellite systems, "black boxes" storing crash data, electronic logbooks and on-board video cameras in cabs.