President Francois Mitterrand and Chancellor Helmut Kohl also proposed strengthening an old military group known as the Western European Union.
It proposed strengthening financial law enforcement through a number of measures.
The head of the International Atomic Energy Agency formally proposed strengthening the agency's system of safeguarding nuclear material, including special inspections at sites where violations are suspected.
Mr. Rowland proposed strengthening the party apparatus with improved fund raising, better candidate recruitment and more aggressive computer and telephone bank operations to identify sympathetic voters.
He also proposed strengthening the law to make it easier to prosecute those accused of being drug ringleaders.
Also today, Secretary General Kofi Annan proposed strengthening the United Nations force, to 16,500 from the authorized 13,000.
He proposed strengthening the power of backbenchers over the government, and other measures as part of 'a radical redistribution of power'.
That is why the Commission proposed strengthening the comitology arrangements by incorporating a Management Committee.
The renewed social agenda also proposes strengthening the open method of coordination.
In the fruit and vegetables sector the Commission proposed strengthening this sector by means of support for certain activities of producer organizations.