Some European countries are resisting a proposed international agreement in The Hague that would make it easier to enforce judgments of American courts abroad.
Federal and state courts have started to scrutinize the settlements more closely and have recently thrown out several proposed agreements.
They even sent their own proposed agreement.
The company also announced the cancellation of its proposed agreement to sell its credit card and accounts receivable operations to the General Electric Capital Corporation.
A proposed agreement was negotiated behind the scenes between the team and the player to refund much of his fine provided he drop appeals to the players' union.
He undertook national efforts in that direction, but could not get either of two proposed agreements adopted.
The commission sought to establish a principle, and the staff believes the proposed agreement achieves that goal," said Victoria Streitfeld, the agency's top spokeswoman.
In international relations, an aide-mémoire is a proposed agreement or negotiating text circulated informally among delegations for discussion without committing the originating delegation's country to the contents.
Unlike Mr Pimenta, the Committee on External economic relations believes the proposed agreement, such as it is, be accepted as a better alternative to outright rejection.
But while the terms of Florida's settlement are no more onerous than those of the proposed national agreement, other states with pending cases could be encouraged to seek more stringent concessions.