Among the concepts presented in the book is the distinction between the 'illocutionary force' and the 'propositional content' of an utterance.
These rules account for the 'propositional content' of our sentences.
One school of thought holds that revelation is non-verbal and non-literal, yet it may have propositional content.
To achieve success of fit the world must change to match the propositional content of the utterance.
That is, the emphasis is on an element of the propositional content of the utterance.
However, in [26]the emphasis is on the speaker's commitment to the propositional content of the utterance.
The hypothesis applies to thoughts that have propositional content, and is not meant to describe everything that goes on in the mind.
How signals in the brain come to have propositional content, or meaning, is a much larger issue.
Any mental state with a propositional content is considered conscious.
Proper criticism responds with suppleness and delicacy to such patterns, rather than paraphrasing their propositional content.