The concept of experience generally refers to know-how or procedural knowledge, rather than propositional knowledge.
In epistemology in general, the kind of knowledge usually discussed is propositional knowledge, also known as "knowledge that."
If she in fact gains no new propositional knowledge, they contend, then what she does gain may be accounted for within the physicalist framework.
(b) recorded propositional knowledge about that process.
Aspect 1 - the retention of propositional knowledge and the capacity to reproduce it in written form.
Know-how is different from other kinds of knowledge such as propositional knowledge in that it can be directly applied to a task.
Procedural knowledge about solving problems differs from propositional knowledge about problem solving.
This distinguishes propositional knowledge from know-how or procedural knowledge, which is the knowledge of how to perform some task.
This article discusses propositional knowledge from a variety of perspectives, including philosophy, science, and history.
For Reid, education is not about the passive reproduction of propositional knowledge.