The improper use of proprietary claims impedes critical transparency and makes it more difficult for the inspector general's office to complete essential audits.
Mr. Giuliani, as ever, is most muscular in asserting his proprietary claim.
Many of them are more amused than offended by the proprietary claims of the young fry.
I realise that group endeavours can lead to strange proprietary claims to data sets, but I wonder if.didn't refuse to be associated with this gibberish.
Material transfer agreements: open science vs. proprietary claims.
Harry felt a proprietary claim on those legs, those long flanks to which he had administered so many vitamin shots.
Maybe European music has as much a proprietary claim to original Americanness as the country's own black tradition.
And I can promise you... that you will not like what happens if you cross my people and their proprietary claims.
I have never made nor do I now make, any claims, financial or proprietary, on the CUP.
A proprietary claim meant that the claimant could demand the thing in priority to other creditors of the bankrupt trustee.