Finally, some outdoor clothing contains a proprietary material referred to as Thinsulate.
Ms. Pearlman said the magazine would funnel proprietary material to a Web site that will also have an e-commerce component.
They are proprietary materials owned by the Graphite Metallizing Corp.
The proprietary material is used only by Kaenon Polarized and is found in every sunglasses offered by the brand.
"That recording can be sealed as proprietary material."
Members have an opportunity to build up their own travel pages by submitting proprietary material such as photographs, travel logs and travel stories.
Copyrighted and other proprietary material should not be posted or submitted in any form unless permission to do so is clearly indicated.
Presumably they're using proprietary materials to produce the same effects as calcium fluoride.
Thoralon is a proprietary biocompatible material developed at Thoratec that minimizes blood clotting and inflammation.
SR-91 is a proprietary material that was introduced by Kaenon Polarized in 2001.