The proprietary model is an amazingly costly alternative.
In addition, many large lenders, including the major credit card issuers, have developed their own proprietary scoring models.
In the final screen, the fund uses a proprietary model to correlate valuation and return on capital.
American Online Inc., the No. 1 service, in the past expressed confidence that its proprietary model would continue to be attractive.
At some funds (called Quant Funds) the manager's decisions have been replaced by proprietary mathematical models.
Alternative arrangements have also been shown to result in good creation outside of the proprietary model.
The tactical rail allows for the attachment of a laser or flashlight, but only proprietary models.
Electricity trading is a riddle to outsiders, given its complexity and the proprietary models that each company uses to value its trades.
The Microsoft Corporation, in contrast, epitomizes the closed, proprietary model of software development.
Also there are legal technology startups that are attempting to create proprietary models to predict case outcomes.