The disadvantage of proprietary standards is that it's very difficult to get them adopted by the rest of the industry.
It's certainly a lot easier (and quicker) to unilaterally create a new proprietary standard.
It has become a proprietary standard in office Software.
Nearly every network equipment manufacturer quickly adopted this joint standard over their proprietary standards.
Windows is a proprietary standard, not an open standard.
The idea here is to make everything more open without being dependent on a private company's set of closed, proprietary standards.
Unlike proprietary standards, which can belong exclusively to a single entity, anyone can adopt and use an open standard.
Applications based on the same open standards are easier to integrate than ones built on different proprietary standards.
"You have these proprietary or collegial standards, but how will they play in the mass market?"
I can't stand all of their ludicrous and misleading proprietary standards that they put in there devices to charge more then their competitors.