The nanopores are manufactured in a thermoplastic polyurethane cruciform using a proprietary technique.
The term implies that the design team works in an environment that is "clean" or demonstrably uncontaminated by any knowledge of the proprietary techniques used by the competitor.
VRI developed proprietary techniques that measured user response times and used the data to make real-time changes to the application's dialog with the caller.
Petromag's proprietary technique involved spatial analysis of belowground sound waves to determine the location of oil deposits.
The center also identifies novel compounds from botanicals and introduces herbal formulations through proprietary techniques and standardized procedures.
In addition to his proprietary technique, Dr. Cole developed a line of instrumentation to be used with CIT.
The Mystery Setting is a proprietary mounting technique for gems.
Over the years, many variations of these techniques have been delivered, most as proprietary techniques developed by individual practitioners.
I'm sure you often sequester proprietary techniques for weeks or months before applying for patents.
An adhesive is then applied to the sheet and various manufacturers use proprietary techniques depending on the type, viscosity and melting temperature of the adhesive.