Until finally the shaft could fight it no more, and Seawolf's entire propulsion mechanism came to a halt, the propeller jammed rigid.
The opposite part, which contains the propulsion mechanisms according to the books, is never visited in the game.
Unpowered aircraft are aerial vehicles that can fly without any propulsion mechanism.
Many such insects are unable to climb this meniscus using their usual propulsion mechanism.
They worked out propulsion mechanisms so they could move their planet, so that they would be an independent body moving independently through space.
Nuclear explosives have also been seriously studied as potential propulsion mechanisms for space travel (see Project Orion) and for asteroid deflection.
Here and there, massive figures in pressure suits could be seen, whose own propulsion mechanisms instantly fired and attempted to take the survivors away to safety.
It also possessed a powerful tail which later developed into a propulsion mechanism through water in its descendants.
His steel-gloved hand dropped to the propulsion mechanism that encircled his waist.
The inertia drive was the propulsion mechanism that would allow them to leave their neutron star home, where the escape velocity was 39 percent the speed of light.