It's the name some people have given to a dance-centric form of hip-hop, defined by light but propulsive beats and lyrics that often revolve around playful chants.
Just as we begin to pay more attention to the layers of melody and the propulsive beat of David Lang's fine score, Ms. Marshall recoups.
It succeeds best in its propulsive beat for the athletic and exciting dancing in the first section that materializes out of Jennifer Tipton's magical haze of light.
The music in the show is loud, for sure, with a propulsive beat designed to set toes tapping and fingers snapping.
"The fluid guitar interplay between Stokes and Sane, combined with a propulsive beat, witty lyrics, and Stokes's stentorian voice, make their recordings irresistible."
In modern whales, they contribute mightily to the propulsive beat of the tail fluke.
The instrumental consists of "a propulsive beat and chewy synths", as well as "loud drums" and "overwhelming" electronica.
The sound is very percussion-heavy - a distinct holdover from Bhangra - with a propulsive beat clearly designed for dancing.
Behind it, the band sounds muscular and polished, with power chords chiming atop a big unswerving beat, propulsive but unhurried.
Then again when you have a collection of hits (big and small) like his, maybe it doesn't matter; give him a propulsive beat, and he'll add a cool, affectless melody you'll be singing for days.