Manning will turn to more prosaic concerns Tuesday.
That sort of prosaic concern was far from her exalted birthright.
"But, first, Professor, please let me know why you wanted to see me before we move on to my, most likely, more prosaic concerns."
Kelly O'Neil, 18, had more prosaic concerns.
But having been on the move for five hours now, some understandably have more prosaic concerns.
Some patients have employed the computers to assist them in prosaic concerns.
My mind was locked in quite a prosaic concern.
If the masses were too preoccupied by prosaic day-to-day concerns, the revolutionaries would take matters into their own hands.
And this, the novel's most prosaic concern - the horror of being married to a hipster - is also its most pressing.
Three elderly household representatives, selected by Ms. Guo to tell a reporter what the new system had done for their blocks, cited more prosaic concerns.