While Mudge's self-righteousness may be justified up to a point, there are also more prosaic reasons for working at L0pht.
Mr. Senderens has another, more prosaic reason for seeking economies.
Exceptional people - or "outliers" as he calls them - excel for rather more prosaic reasons.
A more prosaic reason for inviting outsiders is to fill slots.
But there is another, more prosaic reason for choosing the Faure.
Although the majority of the newest walls are built with aesthetics or economics in mind, some arise from more prosaic reasons.
Some students choose to participate for often prosaic reasons.
There might, of course, be a more prosaic reason, such as which organisation has the best set-up in the area.
The prosaic reasons for Apple's abandonment of the Expo have been well expressed by others.
But there are prosaic reasons for creating shows that intertwine the fantasies of teenagers and adults.