In prosaic truth, "The Three Stooges" dubbed in German held his unwavering interest.
But all-news channels, which struggle to stay interesting while covering the same material hour after hour, often find themselves emphasizing entertainment values over the usually prosaic truth.
The prosaic truth was that Howard had become a securities salesman for Prudential and the dedicated father of six children.
I skipped the prosaic truth that I had no children at the time and instead gave two answers.
The prosaic truth is that she auditioned for Mr. Helgeland and got the role through normal channels.
That's the disconcertingly prosaic truth of the matter.
Such is the prosaic truth.
The prosaic truth was that they were afraid.
In reality, analysis of the television recording and the radio broadcast, which survives in its entirety, reveals a somewhat more prosaic truth.
But by Today's Papers' lights, there's a more prosaic truth communicated by the practice of the holiday.