A crime for which "a reasonable person should know [that the proscribed activity] is subject to stringent public regulation and may seriously threaten the community's health or safety."
Blix says, "No evidence of proscribed activities have so far been found," saying that progress was made in inspections which would continue.
The papers were "related to past proscribed activities," Mr. Ueki said.
Those who were "suspected of participating in proscribed activities or seeing other gurus were banned from the [meditation] domes".
Military police operating under the army and navy and the justice and home ministries aided the civilian police in limiting proscribed political activity.
He takes her to a secret brothel run by the government, and he furtively meets with her in his study, where he allows her the proscribed activity of reading.
No evidence of proscribed activities have so far been found.
Iraq will enact national legislation as soon as possible regarding proscribed activities.
"This denies the right of the commission to inspect additional, non declared sites, where the capabilities for conducting proscribed or monitorable activities may exist," Mr. Butler wrote.
So far the test stand has not been associated with a proscribed activity.