On 29 October 2012 the government changed its position saying it would not use stolen information to prosecute suspected offenders.
The authority has warned that it will not hesitate to prosecute persistent offenders.
Native Women also report a lack of faith in the local law enforcement to make arrests and prosecute offenders.
The Commission has a mandate to prosecute alleged offenders when there is sufficient evidence to initiate legal actions.
In addition, prosecutors will sometimes use other legal avenues to prosecute offenders.
That would also make it easier to track down and prosecute offenders.
The goal of prosecuting and punishing offenders must not be abandoned.
It might help prosecute offenders after the fact, but if that's really what they're there for rather than deterrence, let's be honest about that fact.
With complaints by airlines about disruptive passengers on the rise, Government efforts to prosecute offenders are being expanded.
Despite government officials' promises to prosecute offenders, on March 16, 2007, police closed the criminal cases, citing lack of suspects.