The Austrian government demonstrated moderate efforts to prosecute and convict traffickers during the reporting period.
In its annual drug report, the State Department accused Colombia of prosecuting few traffickers, giving light prison sentences and having no laws against money laundering.
Aside from capacity issues, in the wake of its war, Liberia has not been sufficiently aggressive in prosecuting traffickers or providing care to victims.
By aggressively pursuing and forcefully prosecuting traffickers, I believe we can cut off a prime source of illegal immigration in this country and save lives.
Others have developed strategies to deal with domestic trafficking and others have increased the law to prosecute traffickers.
Officials are determined to prosecute traffickers in stolen objects "whether we agree if they have aesthetic value or not," he said.
It also aims to prevent trafficking and to prosecute traffickers.
Latvia also uses non-trafficking-related laws to prosecute traffickers.
Other criminal statutes are also used to prosecute and convict traffickers.
The text we adopted last week demonstrates that the will is there to step up our action to protect citizens and to prosecute traffickers throughout Europe.