Police and prosecutors admitted that they had not watched the film with sound turned on.
But legal experts say this unorthodox wording could have been an intentional way to drop the case without prosecutors or state security agents admitting error.
The prosecutors admitted that many statements had been obtained from the defendants by various ruses and tricks.
Rarely do prosecutors admit that devastating mistakes were made even in cases decades old.
Moreover, the prosecutor admitted that he had no evidence of a fraudulent motive.
A second trial was called off after the girl refused to testify and prosecutors admitted mistakes in their handling of the case.
Many police and prosecutors admitted not understanding the law.
The prosecutor admitted the errors and the lawyer of Mladic asked for a six-month delay.
Searching for a Weapon No murder weapon has yet been found, prosecutors admit.
At a hearing on the same day, prosecutors admitted that one of their key witnesses had recanted.