Also many prosecutors allowed testilying to occur.
After the legal setback, prosecutors allowed Gladden to plead guilty to lesser charges.
It's called a West plea and it's not something that prosecutors normally allow.
But in 1996 a state appeals court reversed the conviction, saying prosecutors allowed a critical witness to perjure herself.
But the two teenagers said they believed the baby was stillborn, and eventually prosecutors allowed them to plead guilty to manslaughter.
In exchange, prosecutors allowed Gosnell to be sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.
Several months later, the local prosecutor allowed Simmons to enter into a plea agreement to the murders in exchange for a 20-year term of imprisonment.
But prosecutors do not allow career criminals and violent offenders to join the diversion program.
The prosecutors allowed him to read a statement into the record and to rely on that statement in lieu of an answer some 19 times.
The prosecutor and judge, to save time and money, allowed her to plead guilty only to obstructing justice.