And prosecutors appeared to lose steam in their other cross-examinations, lawyers said.
The plaintiff and defendant, or prosecutor and accused, appeared in person, not through professional lawyers.
And federal prosecutors in Manhattan appear to be worried that the judge might do that.
In Mr. Rove's case, the prosecutor appears to have focused on two conversations with reporters.
During the hearing, the prosecutor appears to be determined to destroy Mac's career, despite attempts by his colleagues to aid him in their testimony.
While the task of unraveling Parmalat's finances is vast, prosecutors appear to be making progress.
In the court papers, prosecutors appeared to go out of their way to suggest that the violations of the law were technical and inadvertent.
In such circumstances, the prosecutor would appear to have two arguments open to him.
Then in early August, federal prosecutors appeared at the correctional center to strike a plea deal.
Some prosecutors appear to be seeking to build conspiracy cases.